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Designing A Catalog From Conception To Completion

We are very excited to have Elle Phillips guest write for us this week. Please visit her fabulous portfolio to see more of her wonderful work. You will find that this catalog design article is very well written, informative, and extremely helpful. She wrote this article to guide you through her own graphic design process, from conception to completion. Please feel free to contact us if you want to submit your article as well.
Big or small, no matter the client or subject, good design and implementation of that design should never be sacrificed. If you are handed a project where you need to create a new (or update an existing) marketing piece such as Packaging, Logo, Brochure, Catalog, etc. it is your job as a professional designer to make the piece appealing and functional not only to your client, but to their target market as well. Regardless of how the piece was designed in the past, embrace the challenge of updating that design for the future. Read More>>

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